26 June 2024

South London Trust Case Study


The Trust provides healthcare services to more than 1 million people across South East London. They approached Maxwell Stanley to request assistance with the quality of their coding data, as they felt that the complexity of activity was not being accurately captured. This was having an impact on in-month elective activity income claims and the accuracy of wider future financial contract baselines and in-year negotiations. 


Project Objectives 

• Identify additional income that had been missed due to inaccurate coding. 

• Improve clinical coding depth to closer to the national average.

• Increase the accuracy of activity complexity.

• Improve processes to ensure greater coding accuracy moving forward. 



• Over £1,135,000 in additional HRG income in 4 months. 

• Average coding depth already increased from 3.7 to 3.9 for elective and 4.3 to 4.4 for non-elective admissions. 

• Increased clinician awareness of their documentation responsibilities to facilitate accurate clinical coding. 


What the Trust Said 

“We knew that there was potential in our data – the introduction of block contract funding during COVID, which also introduced home working for many of our teams – lead to a reduction in the accuracy of our coding. Maxwell Stanley have not only identified an incredible amount of additional income, but also improved our published coding depth figures. In just 4 months!”  Deputy Director of IT 

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