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Patient Privacy Monitoring

A Solution to detect potential instances of unauthorised access to patient information held within electronic healthcare information systems.

How it works

Maxwell Stanley and Vigilant Applications formed their partnership in 2013, combining the healthcare and NHS marketplace experience of Maxwell Stanley with the VigilancePro® (ViPro) User Behaviour Analytics software suite.  ViPro collects information from different clinical applications and provides easy-to-understand information on user activity without impacting on daily operations.  User activity is collected and collated with other data, such as demographics, to provide information about misuse and inappropriate access.  Each event is detected and is analysed and compared against pre-defined policies to determine whether the content is suspicious or not.  Information on user activity is gathered via a central, web-based dashboard and reporting.


Detecting unauthorised access to electronic systems with patient information
Highlighting unusual activity for further investigation, enabling the ongoing investigation of accesses to specific patients’ records
Reassuring staff, as well as patients, that their record is also protected
Capturing the behaviour of users viewing certain aspects of patient records
Making it easier to generate statutory Subject Access Requests
Improving data quality

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